Link PNG Recieves First Quarter Airfare Subsidy From Enga Provincial Government

June 15, 2015

Link PNG Recieves First Quarter Airfare Subsidy From Enga Provincial Government


Enga Provincial Government has presented K250, 000 as part of its first quarter airfare subsidy to Air Niugini?s subsidiary company, Link PNG on Friday, 15th April 2015.

Governor, Peter Ipatas in presenting the cheque said airline services are vital for his province as they save time and costs for the people including public servants who used to travel all the way to Mt Hagen to catch flights.

He said? Instead of a small person traveling on PMV buses from Enga to Mt Hagen to catch the next Air Niugini flight, the subsidies allow for Air Niugini to continue to fly into Wapenamanda so that people can fly direct to Port Moresby. It also saves the public servants time and costs of hiring vehicles to travel to Mt Hagen.?

He said apart from saving time and resources, this arrangement stimulates and maintains the economy in Enga province.

Link PNG CEO, Daniel Wanma in receiving the cheque said the airline hopes to continue the partnership with the Enga Provincial Government. He hopes the other provincial governments adopt the same arrangement.

? This joint arrangement has worked well for the Enga Province for a long time and we hope other governors adopt the same model.?

The Enga Provincial Government has been paying airfare subsidies since 2004.

The flights to Wapenamanda airport are operated by Link PNG?s Dash 8 aircraft. Link PNG operates daily flights to Wapenamanda.